Liste des contacts des services

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Question, feedback, request, suggestion : reach the right service !

Activités périscolaires Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Activités périscolaires Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 76 75
BE10 3100 9205 4504
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Coordination & Direction
Garderie Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Garderie Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE72 3100 8650 7316
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Natation (toutes les écoles)
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 70 46
BE77 3100 8642 2642



By requesting the registration of your child to this service, you commit yourself to become a member of the APEEE and therefore to pay the annual fee of the APEEE. The fee is 55 € per family.
In accordance with the statutes of the APEEE, any failure to pay the APEEE fee will result in the cancellation of orders placed with the various services.

By placing an order with us, you are deemed to have accepted our rules and the asbl's general terms and conditions.

As stated in our general conditions, the management of the ASBL and/or the Board of Directors reserves the right to temporarily exclude any member/parent whose conduct is inappropriate towards the staff of the ASBL and/or any member of the management committees and/or the Board of Directors and/or the staff of the service provider.

Physical, verbal or written violence (threats, insults, defamation, humiliation, etc.) may be punished by exclusion from services.  Such exclusion will be decided by the Board of Directors and may be revoked if the member/parent concerned shows clear signs of improvement in his/her conduct.


Our programs offer a wide range of activities designed to help children blossom in a fun environment, develop their creativity, acquire new skills or discover new interests.

We offer sports, art, music and cultural activities.

If a parent wishes to propose a new activity, they must send their request to the Césame office by e-mail to by April 30 at the latest.

This request must present the nature of the activity, its objectives and the applicant's expectations. If an activity leader is involved in the proposal, he/she must provide his/her CV, a description of the activity and, if possible, share his/her experience of the activity in question.

The request will be considered for possible implementation at the start of the next school year if it meets the conditions set out below, and if a group of at least 6 children of the same age group is interested. The parent must then provide the extracurricular service with the contact details of parents likely to register their child for this activity.


  • April 30: application deadline

  • 2 months for examination of the application and feasibility study in close collaboration with the management committee.

  • June 30: positive or negative response to the applicant, depending on the relevance of the activity to the existing program.

  • If positive, the activity is integrated into the program before registration opens in September.

  • Registration closes in September: decision on whether or not to continue the activity, depending on the number of registrations (see budget criteria below).

The criteria for selecting activities (set in consultation with members of the management committee) are :

  • Attractiveness of the activity 

  • Relevance of the proposed activities to existing programs and age groups

  • The possibility of maintaining existing activities for which there is significant demand

  • Willingness to set up activities that have been a great success at other facilities?

  • The availability of suitable premises or facilities on or off school premises

  • The availability of instructors / leaders and their requirements / needs for setting up their activity

  • Budgetary constraints: each activity must register a minimum number of participants to reach financial equilibrium. This threshold is set each year by the extracurricular service, depending on the nature and cost of the activity, as well as its viability.

In all circumstances, the final decision rests with the after-school service, based on all the above criteria and the experience acquired by team members in the field.

In addition, the after-school service will decide whether or not to maintain each activity in the program, depending on the number of pupils enrolled during the September registration period, or after a maximum of 2 weeks following the start of the activities.

We remind you that the activities are designed to satisfy as many children as possible and cannot be organized for individual requests.



Registration for all CESAME activities are done online.

Each year, registration is done during the month of september. The exact dates will be sent by email and will also be available on our website.

The registrations of the second term for the  P1/2 and nusery are opened in January.

Groups are made up of a minimum and a maximum number of pupils, at the discretion of the organisers. For pedagogical reasons, we do not group children of more than 3 levels together in the same activity (e.g. P3 to P5) as the children have neither the same skills nor the same aptitudes and this would be detrimental to the quality of the work carried out by our activity leaders.

The general rule for the maximum number of students :

  • 12 for cultural activities
  • 16 for sports activities

  • Between 6 and 16 for music activities

For primary students : places are assigned randomly by an algorithm. We recommend that you enroll your child only in activities for which they are motivated.

The request of a child to continue an activity already followed during a semester or a year is legitimate as is the request of the child who wishes to be initiated.

For secondary students : activities are allotted on a "first-come, first-served base"

Depending on the possibilities, an activity will be duplicated; children and parents will be informed.


Knowledge of written and spoken French or English is essential to take part in the French or English theatre workshops. Any student who does not meet this requirement may be refused enrolment in this activity by decision of the Césame office.

  • Parents will receive an email confirming the admittance of their child to a chosen activity.

  • The teachers in primary school will receive a list of names of the children enrolled in after school activities and the particular activity into which they have been admitted.


Any changes to the choice of activities for which enrolment is requested will be accepted without extra cost before the actual start of the activities. Once activities have started a request for change of activity will only be accepted at the cost of € 10. A supplement may be charged if the fee for the new activity is higher than the one initially selected; if it is lower, no refund will be given.

  • before the start of activities without costs.

  • during the first 2 sessions of participation in an activity: cancellation will be charged 40 € if the information is communicated, at the latest, in 3 days after the 2nd session. Beyond this period, the full fee will be due unless motivated by a medical certificate. In this cas, you will be charge for the number of sessions already followed.

In the event of force majeure leading to the cessation or suspension of one or more of our association's services, the APEEE Services will not be obliged to reimburse the full amount of the fees/subscriptions and will reimburse on a pro rata basis the activities not provided once the fixed charges have been deducted at the end of the school year. The reimbursement will therefore not be up to 100%.



  • Payment for the activity into which the child has been admitted is due 2 weeks after the enrolment has been confirmed.

  • In case the payment of the activity fee is still not received after 2 reminders, administration costs of € 15 will be added to the fee and the Césame office reserves the right to cancel the student's registration and to offer the place to another student on the waiting list.

In the event of non-payment of a subscription for one of the services, the account of the family concerned will be blocked from the week preceding the renewal of the canteen, transport and locker orders (generally the first week of June). The account will remain blocked and parents will not be able to register their children for the following school year until they have settled their payments.



Eachers receive the following information :

  • List of students enrolled
  • Where the activities take place
  • At what time the activities take place (before or after the canteen)

The instructors receive a list with the names of their students and look after them.

For Kindergarten :

  • Meeting point is fixed in the fabiola building's multi-purpose hall
  • Notice boards will be put up to facilitate the grouping of children

For the 1st and 2nd year primary pupils   :

  • Meeting point is fixed under the “preau” of the primary section gym’s hall
  • Notice boards will be put up to facilitate the grouping of children
  • The instructor will collect the children from the meeting point under the notice boards
  • Somebody will be present at the start of the activities and will oversee the grouping of the children

For 3rd, 4th and 5th year primary pupils : 

  • During the first 2 weeks, the meeting point will be fixed in the courtyard between the sciences and Erasmus  buildings.
  • Notice boards will be put up to facilitate the grouping of children
  • The instructor will collect the children from the meeting point under the « preau »
  • After 2 weeks the children will be able to find their own way to their respective activities.

Secondary school : 

  • The children will go to the class rooms of their respective activities
  • During the first week after the start of the activities, children will be allowed to try out different activities before making a definite decision.

  • The general rule for enrolment is on a first come, first serve basis. Attention: some activities are very popular and fill up quickly.

  • Please note that if you make a registration and then decide to cancel it, once the activities have started, we will ask you to pay a minimum fee, or even the full fee depending on when you inform us of your decision. See above for the conditions applicable in the event of cancellation.

  • Please note : if you make a registration and then decide to cancel it, once the activities have started, we will ask you to pay a minimum fee, or even the full fee depending on the period in which you inform us of your decision.



The animator in charge are not responsible for pupils' absences.

Whenever possible, parents will be notified of their children's repeated absences from activities, as well as any difficulties caused by their behavior, in which case exclusion is possible (without refund).

On the other hand, parents are invited to contact the CESAME office if they notice that their child is not attending the activity or is having difficulty. Early intervention can often overcome minor obstacles.

We hope that these details will help parents and children to better understand how Cesame works and to maintain a harmonious relationship.


All the services of the APEEE Services comply with the school's policy on personal mobile phones at EEB1.

Find out what's happening in the service : Extra-curricular activities Uccle To all news

Extra-curricular activities Uccle

We are pleased to invite you to our end-of-year dance show featuring the Hip-Hop and Breakdance groups of Césame, which will take place on Saturday, June 21st, 2025, at 5:00 PM at La Roseraie (Chaussée d'Alsemberg 1299, 1180 Uccle).

Extra-curricular activities Uccle

Registration for secondary camps opens on Tuesday March 18 at 9:00 am. 

Extra-curricular activities Uccle

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à notre spectacle de We are delighted to invite you to our end-of-year show “L'histoire de nos ancêtres”, to be held on Saturday June 14, 2025 at 7:00 pm at the Théâtre du center Don Bosco (270 Ch. de Stockel, 1200 Brussels).