Liste des contacts des services

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Question, feedback, request, suggestion : reach the right service !

Activités périscolaires Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Activités périscolaires Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 76 75
BE10 3100 9205 4504
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Coordination & Direction
Garderie Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Garderie Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE72 3100 8650 7316
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Natation (toutes les écoles)
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 70 46
BE77 3100 8642 2642



By requesting the registration of your child to this service, you commit yourself to become a member of the APEEE and therefore to pay the annual fee of the APEEE. The fee is 55 € per family.
In accordance with the statutes of the APEEE, any failure to pay the APEEE fee will result in the cancellation of orders placed with the various services.

Activities run from Monday to Friday, including Wednesdays.


Registration to Césame's activities is done via the registration site or by clicking on our link at the top of the page mon compte


Each year, registration is done during the month of september. The exact dates will be sent by email and will also be available on our website.

The registrations of the second term for the  first and second primaries are opened in January.


Registration begins on 06/09/2024 at 9 a.m

Registration closes on 16/09/2024 at 2 p.m

Start of activities on 23/09/2024

To know the different activities proposed, you can consult our 2024 - 2025 programs : 

You can also find a description of each of our activities by clicking on the name of the activity in the online program.


Registration begins on 06/09/2024 at 9 a.m

Registration closes on 16/09/2024 at 2 p.m

Start of activities on 23/09/2024

To know the different activities proposed, you can consult our 2024 - 2025 programs by level : 

You can also find a description of each of our activities by clicking on the name of the activity in the online program.



Registration begins on 13/09/2024 at 9 a.m

Registration closes on 23/09/2024 at 2 p.m

Start of activities on 30/09/2024

To know the different activities proposed, you can consult our 2024 - 2025 programs by level : 

You can also find a description of each of our activities by clicking on the name of the activity in the online program.

Important message for pupils involved in school swimming lessons

On Fridays (P4) and Mondays (P5), P4 and P5 pupils are required to take swimming lessons over 6 weeks (5 differents rotations from mid-September to mid-June).

Please note that if your child's extracurricular activity is affected, no refund per session will be possible for this period. 

Important message for pupils concerned by the language II remedial.

The primary section will confirm the days on which pupils will be enrolled in LII catch-up classes. These classes are mandatory!
Registration for extracurricular activities will close after this confirmation date, so please DO NOT register your child for an activity on a day that your child has a remedial class.

Important information

We don't apply the "first come, first served"principle, take your time during the above period before signing-up.

For nursery and primary pupils : places are assigned randomly by an algorithm. We recommend that you enroll your child only in activities for which they are motivated.

We specify that we accept throughout the year registrations since places are available in the activities.


Registration begins on 12/09/2024 at 9 a m

Start of activities on 16/09/2024

To know the different activities offered, you can consult our 2024 - 2025 programs by level :

You can also find a description of each of our activities by clicking on the name of the activity in the online program.

Please note: secondary schools have different canteen times depending on their level.

Before registering for any lunchtime activity, it is essential to check your child's break time to ensure that he or she is available to take part in the activity.

Important information

If you make a registration and then decide to cancel it, once the activities have started, we will ask you to pay a minimum fee, or even the full fee, depending on when you inform us of your decision. See our rules and regulations for cancellation conditions.

For secondary school students, and only for these students, we apply the “1st come, 1st served” principle. A validated order is a firm commitment! We offer you the opportunity to try out the activities for 2 weeks, so please take this time to reflect before signing up.

Registration is open all year round, subject to availability.

Find out what's happening in the service : Extra-curricular activities Uccle To all news

Extra-curricular activities Uccle

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à notre spectacle de We are delighted to invite you to our end-of-year show “L'histoire de nos ancêtres”, to be held on Saturday June 14, 2025 at 7:00 pm at the Théâtre du center Don Bosco (270 Ch. de Stockel, 1200 Brussels).

Extra-curricular activities Uccle

Registration for the 2025 chess tournament is now open!