Diplômée d’un premier prix et diplôme supérieur de chant au Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, je vous accueille dans une ambiance chaleureuse et détendue pour vous apprendre les techniques de chant (respiration, placement de la voix, élargissement de la tessiture et de la puissance vocale) et le travail de la musicalité afin d’interpréter au mieux vos chants préférés.
Au répertoire : chansons françaises et anglo-saxonnes, comédies musicales et pour les plus téméraires, chant lyrique allant de Bach à Gershwin en passant par Haendel, Mozart, Puccini, Bizet, Offenbach...
Téléphone : 0485 65 45 29
Singer-songwriter-pianist, singing & piano teacher and vocal coach, I have a multi-disciplinary background in music (piano diploma from the Woluwe St Lambert academy, vocal training in pop, opera and jazz), communication and performing arts (Master's degree in Journalism and Film at ULB, voice-over, theater and film training) and well-being (Reiki master's degree, "Mindfulness", Yoga...). My "Well-being through singing" course, which I've been running for 6 years, combines singing with well-being and creativity!
Whether on their own or in a group, children and teenagers discover how to give free rein to their singing, without singing songs, thanks to fun exercises (improvisations, polyphony, storytelling while singing, combinations with percussion and movement, a capella or accompanied by the piano...). Vocal technique, intonation, confidence, creativity and the spoken voice are all greatly enhanced, in a friendly and fun atmosphere.
Languages: French, English and Dutch
Site: https://www.alvindevolder-coaching-vocal-bien-etre.com/
email: devolderalvin@gmail.com
GSM: 0489 347 563