Animator : Sarah Hennecart
Description : We all know that children are full of energy and imagination. But what if theater could help them develop and channel all that, giving them a healthy, supervised way to express themselves? A caring space where they can discover their emotions and use them in improvisations, all the while having fun. The watchwords of theater are : Creativity, letting go, imagination, motor skills, self-transcendence, self-confidence, cooperation, connection and respect - ideal for a child brimming with the desire to learn and discover the world. In short, theater is a magical playground for fun, exploration and growth.
IMPORTANT : To take part in the workshop it is essential to have a good command of written and spoken French. If a student does not meet this criterion, registration for the activity may be refused by the Césame office.
♦ A theater performance is presented to parents at the end of the year as part of the Cesame Festival Theater