Stage Scratch Explorer : Bases + Retrogaming

A week to explore the creation of video games on Scratch! You will be able to dive into the magical world of programming and acquire or consolidate your skills...
From 26 to 30/12, from 10am to 12:30pm
Robotics : Discovery of the Vexcode
Thanks to the virtual robots, discover and learn the basics of robotics with Vex Code: on different playgrounds, navigate your robot through their powertrains. No need for programming knowledge: let's discover it all together!
From 2 to 6/1, from 10am to 12:30pm

Python Débutant : Bases + Module Tortue

Une première étape pour t'initier à la programmation avec un super langage riche en librairies et possibilités. Au programme : développe tes compétences de base à travers la réalisation de projets créatifs et variés. Du 26 au 30/12, de 14h à 16h30
Python Intermediary : Gaming
This intermediate module will allow you to broaden and strengthen your knowledge and practice in programming through the discovery of a library specific to gaming and the creation of animations and video games.
From 2 to 6/1, from 2pm to 4:30pm