Liste des contacts des services

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Activités périscolaires Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Activités périscolaires Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 76 75
BE10 3100 9205 4504
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Coordination & Direction
Garderie Berkendael
+32 (0)472 07 35 25
BE91 3631 6790 0976
Garderie Uccle
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE72 3100 8650 7316
+32 (0)2 373 87 68
BE52 3101 4777 1809
Natation (toutes les écoles)
+32 (0)2 375 31 35
BE30 3100 2003 2711
+32 (0)2 374 70 46
BE77 3100 8642 2642









The APEEE Services - canteen is a service provided by and for APEEE member families.

By applying for your child's registration for this service, you undertake to become a member of the APEEE and therefore to pay the annual subscription of the APEEE.

The contribution for the year is 55 € per family.

Failure to pay the APEEE fee, in accordance with the decision taken at the APEEE General Assembly on 7 December 2010, will result in the cancellation of the registration to the service.

"If your family has unpaid orders or subscriptions for services and/or APEEE fees, your registration will not be accepted".

By placing an order with our service, you are deemed to have accepted our rules and the general conditions of the association.

As stated in our general conditions, the management of the ASBL and/or the Board of Directors reserves the right to temporarily exclude any member/parent whose conduct is inappropriate towards the staff of the ASBL and/or any member of the management committees and/or the Board of Directors and/or the staff of the service provider.

Physical, verbal or written violence (threats, insults, defamation, humiliation, etc.) may be punished by exclusion from services.  Such exclusion will be decided by the Board of Directors and may be revoked if the member/parent concerned shows clear signs of improvement in his/her conduct.


Registration for the school canteen is made by means of an annual subscription via the website.

Every year, registrations via the online registration site are open in the first two weeks of June. The exact date is communicated by e-mail and via our website.

We offer subscriptions

  • 3 or 4 days a week for kindergarten and primary students, and

  • 2, 3 or 4 days a week for secondary school students.

The annual subscription is spread out in 2 payments, covering the following periods :

  • September to January,

  • February at the end of the school year.

For children going on a skiing holiday, the price of the season ticket will be adjusted for P4 pupils going on a skiing holiday (in the 1st half-year or in the 2nd half-year depending on the departure dates).

For S7 pupils taking the baccalauréat, the season ticket price will be adjusted for the second half of the year.


Registration is via the website during the 1st two weeks of June for next school year.


For all students in good standing, registration is automatically renewed at the beginning of the next school year (except for students in 7th secondary).

You will receive an e-mail with this information at the end of each school year.

If you wish to cancel or modify your order for the following year, you must do so via the registration website within the time limit.

Commission after-school care on Wednesday afternoon.


1. For the exchange student arriving in Uccle :
Please follow the steps to register for the canteen service by adding the new exchange student to your family account (click on "add a child"). You will not have to pay for the APEEE membership twice.

You can then create an order for the new student, who will receive a canteen service key for access to meals and the purchase of products in the cafeteria.

Please let us know the child's enrolment dates and we will send you the request for payment calculated on the basis of the enrolment days of the child's stay.

2. For your child's departure :
The easiest way is to cancel the canteen order of your child and reactivate it when he returns. Registrations can be made with our service at any time throughout the year. All you need to do is let us know the dates on which your child will be returning to school, and he/she can come to the canteen with his or her key. The request for payment will be calculated on the basis of the days of registration.

Please do not lend your child's key to the exchange student, as each key is linked to a single child.


Children attending the after-school care centre eat a hot meal prepared by the Canteen on Wednesday lunchtime. They do not have to register at the canteen for this meal. It will be invoiced directly to you by the after-school care centre.


The "home-food" pupils are taken care of by the school, in a separate room provided by the school, under the school's responsibility.

Only the kindergarten "home-food" pupils will have a place in the refectory.

The pupils of the Extracurricular service are also welcomed in the canteen.


The final rates for the current year will be confirmed upon acceptance of the budget during the Annual General Meeting of the association.

The rates are differentiated as follows:

  • Subscription 2 meals per week (only for secondary school students)

  • Subscription 3 meals per week

  • Subscription 4 meals per week

  • Student ticket for occasional meal (only for secondary schools)

  • meals for teachers and staff

For subscriptions of 2 or 3 days a week a part of the weekly fixed fee for the days on which the child is not registered is added to the subscription.


You will receive a personalised payment request by email for each period and for each of your children (one during the month of September and the other during the month of January) with a personalised structured communication.

The structured communication is compulsory for each payment.

The bank account of the APEEE Canteen Service is BE10 3100 9205 4504.

We kindly ask you to respect the payment deadlines.

If no action is taken on our second and final reminder, we will hand over the debtor's file in the hand of our bailiff and we will be obliged to remove your child's access to the canteen.


Any request for modification or cancellation of a registration must be sent to us by e-mail.

Please fill in the form : Refund request.

The modification is made from the date of the request.

Meals are reimbursed from 2 consecutive weeks of justified absence with a medical certificate, on the basis of the price of the meal minus the costs.

The canteen reimburses the part of the subscription not used by users who leave the school definitively during the school year.

"In the event of force majeure leading to the cessation or suspension of one or more of our association's services, the APEEE Services will not be obliged to reimburse the full amount of the subscriptions and will reimburse on a pro rata basis the sessions/meals/activities not provided once the fixed charges have been deducted at the end of the school year. The reimbursement will not therefore be 100%. "


The canteen tries to serve meals that are likely to appeal to a majority of children from different traditions and that respect a balanced diet, while taking into account the organisational and disciplinary constraints in the restaurant, as well as the need to ensure the comfort and safety of the pupils.

The menus for our youngest children (Maternelle and Primary 1) are adapted to their age: an increased quantity of hot vegetables among those they enjoy, but also raw vegetables and fresh fruit.

The menus for the self-service and the smallest ones are published on the APEEE Service website.

Given the number of registered users, it is not possible to establish personal menus that take account of diet, illness or allergies.




Students settle down at the table in an orderly fashion. They can consume their meal in an average time of 20 minutes, during which they have the opportunity to complete their meal in one of the two salad bars installed in the restaurant (not for pupils in P2 and P3).

Water jugs will be placed at the table by the service staff and replaced regularly.


Before leaving the table, the students will want to leave their place clean for the next ones. Students slide their chairs under the table. At the end of their meal, the pupils take their tray to the washing area or (only for primary pupils) to the clearing trolleys installed in the restaurant.



Students are accompanied to the restaurant by their teacher who is responsible for watching them during the lunch hour. 


Supervision of the pupils is the responsibility of the school. The presence of the supervisors is essential between 11.55 am and 2.00 pm.


Access to the self-service area is reserved for students who have paid their annual subscription (Key-Fob key) or an occasional meal ticket at the canteen's office.

The canteen office is only open between 10.30 and 11.00 am and at lunchtime between 11.55 am and 1.45 pm.


Pupils who have lost their key will have to buy a new one at the price of 9 euros.

The key will be deactivated and the student will have to buy a new one directly to have access to the canteen the same day.

In case the key is forgotten, the student will be asked to pick up a free ticket. The student can "forget" his/her key 3 times per semester. From the fourth time they forget their key, they will have to buy an 'occasional' meal ticket.

Any student who is in the restaurant without a valid registration/ticket or who leaves the queue without going through the access control system or who enters through the exit access, will be fined 20 euros for a first offence and 50 euros for subsequent offences.

Failure to pay the fine on time will result in the child being excluded from the canteen. This information will be communicated to the principal counsellor of the school.



Registration is needed only if your child is not registered at the canteen and therefore does not have a key.

To order a key, go to the registration site.

As soon as your child is registered, you will receive an e-mail from our service with instructions on how to log in and load your key via the NETPAY platform.

Afterwards your child can collect the new key from the canteen manager (office at the back of the student canteen, Van Houtte building).

The key ordered will only be used for purchases in the cafeterias and will not give access to the canteen if the child is not registered there.


To load the 'electronic purse' key for cafeteria purchases, please follow the steps below:

1. Click on this link https:

2. Instead of "Enter your username..." enter the login for your child; (6 digits)

3. Select "Parent password".

As soon as this is done, you have access to your child's e-wallet and you can top it up using your credit card.

Attention, if you have several children, you will have to repeat this operation for each of them with their own username.

You can also find your child's username on the registration site on his canteen order or on his child's card.


In order to adapt our conditions of use to the new legislation in force, the transaction fee for loading keys for purchases in the cafeteria is now paid by the APEEE services - canteen. You are therefore exempted from this transaction fee of 0.27€.

In order to avoid passing on these costs to the prices of the products and at the same time to keep them at an acceptable level for the budget of the canteen service, the minimum loading amount is raised to 30 €; the maximum amount will be 60 €.

This change has come into effect from 1 April 2022.


We would like to draw your attention to the problem that your child may face if he/she loses his/her digital canteen/cafeteria key. If your child loses his/her key, it is essential and urgent that he/she comes as soon as possible to inform the canteen office so that we can block his/her key in order to avoid that another student uses his/her key without his/her knowledge to make purchases in the cafeteria. The risk of key theft exists within the school. As long as your child does not inform us of the loss of his/her key, we unfortunately have no way of reimbursing the child after the theft.

1. We therefore ask you to inform your child about the need to react quickly in case of loss of a key by coming to inform the canteen office so that we can block his/her key until he/she buys a new one
2. We advise you to load his key with a minimum of 30 euros on a regular basis rather than 60 euros which can be stolen unexpectedly.


All the services of the APEEE Services comply with the school's policy on personal mobile phones at EEB1.