APEEE Services - Césame is a service provided by and for families who are members of the APEEE.
By enrolling your child in this service, you agree to become a member of the APEEE and therefore pay the annual APEEE fee. The fee is €55 per family.
In accordance with the APEEE statutes, any failure to pay the APEEE membership fee will result in the cancellation of orders placed with the various services.
By placing an order with our service, you are deemed to have accepted our rules and the general conditions of the ASBL.
Cancellation of a Cesame nursery enrolment
Before the start of the term: an administration fee of €25 will be charged.
After the start of the term: the full fee will be charged.
Fees are calculated on the basis of the total number of Fridays per term. In the event of enrolment during the term, the fee will be calculated pro rata to the number of days remaining.
Any late payment will result in a €10 administration fee after 2 reminders.